About N'gelZ

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A photography obsessor who loves to play the piano and strum her guitar, an absolute beach-maniac, sunset lover, nuts about cats and arts, like traveling. ~She sees life as one great big joke, a dance that's walked a song that's spoke, she laugh so hard that she almost choke when she think about herself. ~You see she's just a human and While she knows herself as a creation of God, she's obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I was walking along the beach
Savoring the powdery softness
Of the pure white sand
As it clung to my bare feet
I was so enthralled
By the gently lapping waves
As they quickly washed away
Each footprint I made
I sat and covered my feet
With the milky white sandy paste
Delighting in its cold freshness
And loving the feel
Of the late afternoon breeze
I stood up and walked again
Watching every footstep
Being hungrily licked up
By the slowly rolling waves
And I pondered in awe
At the wonder of it all...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Come walk with me.., take off your flip-flop, happiness is a summer breeze, sand between your toes, and your best friend by your side..

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Days Go By

..Years go by will I still be waiting for somebody else to understand... sometimes I hear my voice and it's been here, silent all these years....

Monday, April 4, 2011


I dreams - things that I want so intensely that I can taste them. Dreams that I can see in my mind's eye and feel in my hearts.

But Often doubt comes rolling in and knocks the wind out of my sails. My energy start to fade. The negative self-talk begins: "What if I fail?" "Who am I kidding?" "This will never work." "I can't do it."
Like I ain't tried it and failed somehow, how do I choose between my head and heart? Till it ceases I never know..

How do you get up from an all time low? But then again, I guess, I just smile and go with the flow..


Friday, April 1, 2011

Green S.O.S

I always thought about getting myself involved in the conservation world. And so, I had the chance and was sent to a 28 days expedition a few months back. I never thought that it would be tough. I never thought that I will end up climbing limestone rocks and going up and down the hill not less than 5km everyday. Yes I really mean like EVERYDAY (Monday to Sunday) starting at 7.30 in the morning and end at 4 in the evening. Sounds ridiculous, but that was what we did. 
Bangkita Mangrove Forest - Love the forest but not the mosquitoes =="

Stung by bees, bitten by leeches, fell down from slopes, encounters with some aggressive primates and
elephants were some of the scenes which I had to face daily. But i guess the thing that I will remember the most is when we were almost attacked by a bear. Yes, the cute cuddly sun bear. And I thought it was funny when the bear actually fell down just behind me from a tree. Just for your info, bears do climb trees and they even sleep on trees. They love particularly the oak trees. And it's really is a good idea to run for your life when you meet one of these bears. Anyway, I had a good time playing with the bear cubs in the Sunbear Rehabilitation Center a day before the real encounter with the wild bear.
Our everyday journey looks like this..
I guess my favorite forest would be the Pangi forest reserve and I actually had my birthday celebrated there (on top of a limestone rocks hill)^^. It wasn't a luxurious way to celebrate a birthday though, but I guess it was nice to have people singing the happy birthday song for me with big smiles on their face =).

The worst experience I had during this 28 days expedition?? That will be walking inside the dirty black and smelly water at Mamiang Mangrove Beach. I guess nobody would like to step inside and go through dirty and smelly water that stinks my, feet, socks and trousers for like weeks!!! And I find it funny yet weird to see wild boars running  along the beach!!!! (LOL).

Mamiang Beach: This was the beach where i saw the wild boars.  
Our last day was spent in Deramakot FR. Nice place but a little spooky. You may not want to know about the spooky thingy (LOL). 

The expedition has brought me so many new experiences and I had 'freeze" part of the memory with my compact digital camera (I love cameras anyway ^^, so don't feel weird if i take it with me every where I go).

I've seen the conditions of our forest; some are still in good condition but most of them are in great need of protection. The same thing goes with the wildlife that lives inside the forest. Ever wonder how it feels like if one day the forest doesn't exist anymore?? And the how about the wildlife?...

Bangkita Mangrove Forest - We had a tough time walking on these roots. One wrong step taken and you will end up in the murky mud with the crabs and mud-skippers. Just what the hell we're doing here?? =.="
Samud Cave at Gomantong Forest Reserve - I personally think that this cave looks like a holy grotto;).
A Red Leaf Monkey seen at Gomantong Forest Reserve.
Realized that somewhere far deep in the heart of Borneo, there's a silent S.O.S echoes. Echoes from the forest and the wildlife. 

P/s: I'm not acting like one of the green peace here, just merely trying to deliver the "messages" I get from the expedition =).  

Think green,


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